About us

Best place to enjoy your life

Perched on the lap of western ghats, Brook n Boulders is located 40 km from trivandrum city, an hour's drive. A landlocked property on forest fringes. The brook takes birth from the bowels of dense woods. Nurtured by the thickets, debouches right here as a beautiful enchantress. She casts a spell by transfiguring into a waterfall and an infinity pool without losing the tranquility of spring.

The abundance of boulders, it's offspring, is a testimony to the spring's fecundity. The brook caresses the boulders perennially.

We have just unveiled the landscape, furthered it with extra facilities to uplift your happiness into felicity.

Our Vision

To be the best resort in Kerala in complete harmony with nature where visitors can feel at home.

Our Mission

To offer a serene sanctuary where one can commune with nature for mental and spiritual transfiguration.


Embedded in Trust, Commitment & Care, we strive to provide guests with a memorable experience.


Guests stay








Facilities that complement the soothing echoes of nature’s tranquility.


The solitude makes for a great, peaceful setting to read and to contemplate. Explore our library for some fine reads.

Infinity Pool under construction

A luxury pool that gives you an amazing view of nature in all its glory around you while you enjoy the calm silence.

Conference Hall

Organize important conferences away from the urban hassle in our aesthetically pleasing conference hall.

Mini Theatre

Immerse yourself in visual entertainment in our Mini Theatre, designed for both comfort and convenience.

Ayurvedic Spa

Ayurveda is an ancient lifestyle practice which aims to create harmony and wellness within the body. Practised widely in India, it works on the belief that all life forms have a "dosha" - a unique mix of energies known as "vata", "pitta" and "kapha". This is similar to the Western idea of elements - water, fire, earth, and so on.


What our visitors had to say about us